The Magic of Denim - Apparel News

Entry way to Liberty show and wall hangings at Project Show

Entry way to Liberty show and wall hangings at Project Show

One of the important fabrics ever invented stays a powerhouse at MAGIC…Denim!

Seen throughout the various Las Vegas shows as a staple or as an inspiration, denim leads the way. From the big boys like Levi’s, 7 for All Mankind and Calvin Klein to new, up and comers like Fundamental Coast at the Park Showroom, Denim stays current and innovative. New classic silhouettes, fusion of printed surfaces with actual denim hybrids and interweaving textures into the fabrics were some stand outs at the shows.

From Project and Liberty to WWDMagic, Denim was a focus in so many ways. Walking into Liberty, the entry hall ceiling was lined with a huge group of washed jeans hanging from above. Or walking in the Project show, interesting ways of displaying denim fabric was used as wall hangings and display textures, cut-out flowers into collages and floor to ceiling booth coverings. There was even a tattoo artist customizing denim on site at the Liberty show.

With the variety of washes, treatments and innovative techniques, denim is here to stay forever. Here’s a sample of some of the highlights from the shows and the attendees in their own fashion looks.





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