Denim and Diamonds 4-H club hosts annual horse show (NTV News)
Members of both a Kearney 4H club and the community got the chance to show their horsemanship skills to the public on Saturday, during the 5th annual 'Denim and Diamonds' horse show at Horner Performance Horses Northwest of Kearney.
It's a fundraiser to help support the 4–H club with the same name.
Organizers say not only is everyone sharing their love of horses, but passing along the bonds of the 4–H experience to future generations.
"It's not all about being the best at the show," said Denim and Diamonds 4-H club leader Therese Horner. "It's about community and finding life lessons and I don't know, overall having a good time, making friends."
"4–H is all aabout life lessons, so whether you win or lose everyone's there supporting each other," said Horner Performance Horses trainer Kelse Ebke. "That's kinda what makes horse shows so special I think, we're all kinda like family."
About 50 riders participated. Proceeds from the event will benefit both the ranch and the Denim and Diamonds 4–H club.
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