Panther Denim and Tat Fung Develop C Zero Sustainable Denim Dyeing - Sourcing Journal

As the color denim trend weaves throughout fashion, more companies are looking for ways to create denim that’s blue, red and yellow—but especially green.

Sustainable denim manufacturing has become crucial for any brand that wants to compete. Consumers are increasingly seeking more information about the clothes they wear, wanting assurance that the brands they support are participating in ethical and environmentally responsible production. At the same time, color denim is having a renewed moment in the sun, despite the fact that traditional dyeing methods aren’t typically known for being both eco-friendly and colorfast.

To help companies advance their mission while brightening their rainbow of offerings, Panther Denim has developed a new dyeing method that preserves resources while giving consumers those bold denim designs they’re clamoring for.

In traditional denim dyeing, six to eight dyeing and oxidation ranges are often required in order to obtain the ideal darkness, Panther Denim sales director Tim Huesemann explained. Panther Denim’s new C-zero dyeing process only needs a short dyeing range, thereby saving water, power, stream, dyestuff and chemicals. As the dye pickup rate is very high, the denim is able to absorb all the dyestuff while saving natural resources and costs.

When compared with Sulphur dyed, C-zero requires 66 percent less water consumption, 51 percent less power, 60 percent fewer chemicals and 30 percent less dyestuff.

While some denim designers are turning to digital printing with the hopes of developing products more sustainably, colors become available only on the face of the fabric in this method, and not on the back. Likewise, the color range of C-zero is also wider than Sulphur dyed methods. Whereas Sulphur dyed has been limited to gray and dull colors, C-zero can achieve a brighter rainbow of hues. It also prevents Sulphur residue from polluting sewage during dyeing and garment washing.

Sustainable denim manufacturing is something Panther Denim prides itself on. The China-based fabric mill has ramped up its offering of sustainable processes over the past several years, aiming to maximize its customers’ options while curtailing their costs.

To be sure, apparel sustainability and transparency are both priorities for consumers, but seasoned industry members know that meeting pricing and availability expectations is still extremely vital. According to a study conducted by LIM College, 34 percent of surveyed millennials cited a product’s eco-friendliness and sustainability as the driving force behind their fashion purchases. Ease of purchase, meanwhile, won out at 95 percent, while price and value were close behind at 92 percent.

Keeping all of these priorities in mind, Panther Denim will ship to any production location that a brand may need. It also provides information about C-Zero’s benefits for its customers to use on hangtags or other point-of-purchase materials, offering a valuable avenue through which to educate consumers.

Out of all the shades C-zero can help produce, greenwashing isn’t one of them. “In our denim industry we tend to talk a lot,” noted Huesemann, “but from America to Zimbabwe we see too few true sustainable products in retail. We want to feel the impact happening—we want to see orders and not just talk about it.”

Click to learn more about Panther Denim and visit the company at Kingpins Amsterdam Oct. 23-24.

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