Pakistan Denim Mill Artistic Milliners Shares Its Sustainable Journey - Sourcing Journal

For Artistic Milliners, the UN Global Compact’s Sustainable Development Goals provide a roadmap for responsible business and investment. A new video highlights the company’s efforts to meet these goals on labor, human rights and the environment.

In the video, the company shares how it is currently supporting 11 of the 17 goals: clean water and sanitation; affordable and clean air; good health and well-being; industry, innovation and infrastructure; responsible consumption and production; life below the water; gender equality; decent work and economic growth; reduced inequalities; quality education; and partnerships for the goals.

The Pakistan-based denim and garment manufacturer has been a participant of the UN Global Compact since April 2018 and is an active member of Global Compact Network Pakistan.

Through Network Pakistan, Artistic Milliners has become a signatory to the Women’s Empowerment Principles and participated in several forums. The company is also a signatory of the CEO Water Mandate, a Compact initiative, and is part of the Alliance for Water Stewardship.

The UN Global Compact recently named Artistic Milliners director Murtaza Ahmed one of 10 2019 Sustainable Development Goals Pioneers, a distinction for young business leaders aged 35 and under who are helping to advance its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The 2019 UN Global Compact SDG Pioneers are from Bangladesh, Canada, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, the U.K. and the U.S.

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